Discover in this book one of the most valuable resources in the world when it comes to getting serious results in learning how to manage your credit cards You are not a distasteful individual. You're not a dumb person. You merely made some foolish decisions. It had nothing to do with your profits. It was not because of your loved ones. Whenever you pulled out that credit card, you made a willing choice to borrow what you didn't have. The very first moment the statement arrived and you couldn't pay back the entire balance in full, you had exceeded your resources. That is the precise moment you got yourself into a conflict. How do you fix it? In This Book, You Will Learn: * Quit Pointing the Finger * Getting A Grip On Priorities * Beginning Ways To Clear It Up * Do You Know About Snowballing? * Do It In Bits And so much more!
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Credit Card Management Philosophy

Credit Card Management Philosophy


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Discover in this book one of the most valuable resources in the world when it comes to getting serious results in learning how to manage your credit cards

You are not a distasteful individual. You're not a dumb person. You merely made some foolish decisions. It had nothing to do with your profits. It was not because of your loved ones. Whenever you pulled out that credit card, you made a willing choice to borrow what you didn't have. The very first moment the statement arrived and you couldn't pay back the entire balance in full, you had exceeded your resources. That is the precise moment you got yourself into a conflict. How do you fix it?

In This Book, You Will Learn:

* Quit Pointing the Finger

* Getting A Grip On Priorities

* Beginning Ways To Clear It Up

* Do You Know About Snowballing?

* Do It In Bits
And so much more!

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